Steamed Fish with Vegetables and Fried Plantains

Prep and Cook Time: 40-45 minutes
Serves: 4


Steamed Fish and vegetables

1. 1/2 lb fish
1 bunch of fresh cilantro
1 lb basil
5 cloves of garlic
1 tsp of fresh grated ginger
1 tsp black pepper
3 tbsp olive oil
1 lime
pinch of salt
1 vegetable bouillon cube (optional)

1 medium sweet green pepper
3 carrots (sliced)
1 medium onion
1 head of broccoli

3 plantains
enough oil to fry

1. Use ½ of the lime to clean the fish. First use a sharp knife to remove the fishes scales by rubbing the blade vertically across the side of the fish. Once the scales have been removed rub the lime over the fish and rinse. Dry off the fish with a paper towel.

2. For the marinade blend together the coriander, basil, and 5 cloves of garlic. Once blended place in a bowel and stir in fresh grated ginger, olive oil, ½ lime, salt, vegetable bouillon, and black pepper. Stir well.

3. Make 4 or 5 slashes deep in to, but not through, each side of the fish.

4. Take 2 to 3 Tbsp of the marinade blend and place it in each of the slashes in the fish and on the fish.

5. Wrap the fish and place it in the fridge for about 15mn, 1 hour or overnight (depending on you).

6. Slice the green pepper, carrots, and onion into round slices. Cut the broccoli into smaller pieces. Combine the vegetables with the rest of the marinade mixture and add 1 more Tbsp of olive oil. Let the vegetables sit for 15 minutes.

7. Wrap the vegetables and fish together in aluminum foil and steam them for 15 minutes.

8. Cut the plantains and fry them in oil, or bake them in the oven, until they become golden brown on both sides.

Serve together with the fish and vegetables.


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