Okra Sauce

Prep time 10mn, Cooking time 50 mn – 1 hour, Total time 1h-1:30mn


12 oz okra

1 slice tomato

1 tbsp peanut butter

1 tbsp tomato paste

1 tbsp fish powder

1 small smoked fish

1 tbsp shrimp powder

½ lb stew beef

½ sliced onion

½ tsp cumin

½ tsp coriander

1 bay leave

8 pounded gloves of garlic

¼ tsp ginger powder

3 tbsp any oil of your choice

salt to taste

1 Bouillon cube ( optional )

4 cups water

Preparing the Okra

  1. Wash the okra.

2. Cut off the tops and bottoms of the okra.

3. Chop the okra into multiple short cross-wise sections or otherwise blend half of it. I don’t usually blend the okra.



Start the fire on medium low. Put the oil in a pot and place the pot on the fire. Let the oil warm up a little and then add the meat, garlic, and onion. Cover the pot and let it cook for about 13mn, then add the tomato paste, tomato, and peanut butter. Stir until the oil starts appear on the surface of the mixture, then add 1cup water and close the pot. The tomato and peanut butter should disappear completely into a thick sauce. Let it boil until the water is almost gone and then add one more cup water, the okra, and the rest of the ingredients. Close the pot and let it continue boiling for about 20mn then shake and stir it. Now add the remaining water and let it cook for about 27mn. This is a recipe that requires close attention in order to prevent the peanut butter from burning to the side of the pot. Stir as needed.

Serve with rice or Fufu.

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