Meat Vegetables

Serves 6

Cook and prep time: 40-45mn


1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp ground red chipotle

1 lb of meat cubed.

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp coriander

3 halved potatoes

2 carrots piled and cut

1/3 lb brussels sprouts

1/3 lb halved green beans cut

1 zucchini

1 medium onion sliced

4 cloves of pounded or minced garlic

½ tsp ginger

½ bay leave

2 tbsp of any kind of oil

Salt to test


After washing the meat, heat the oil in a pot on medium heat then add the meat, onion,garlic, cumin, and coriander to the pot. Close the pot and cook until the water in the pot evaporates. This requires careful attention so that the ingredients do not burn. Add the smoked paprika and the ground red chipotle, then stir and add a little water. Cook  until the onion in the pot disappears  while adding as little water as needed to maintain a thick sauce. Add the potatoes and cook till they start becoming tender; then add the carrots, green beans, brussels sprouts, bay leaves, salt, and a little more water to allow the vegetables to cook. After the vegetables cooked, reduce the fire to a very low heat and add the zucchini. Stir and close the pot for 10 to 15mn so that the zucchini absorbs the sauce.

Bon appetit!

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