Egg Surprise


Prep and cook time: 45 min
erves 10


1 lb of ground meat

¼ cup of diced mix fresh celery, parsley, and dill

¼ tsp cumin powder

¼ tsp coriander

3 cloves of pounded garlic or 1tsp of garlic powder

½ egg for the meat mixture and to keep the meatballs from cracking

10 hard boil eggs

Salt to taste

Enough oil for frying


  1. In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients with the ground meat, stir well.   


2. Make meatballs by covering the hard boiled eggs one by one with the meat mixture.


3. Heat the oil. Fry the meatballs in the oil until they brown.

It can be served with salad and any dressing of your choice.



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