Casava Flour and Chicken (Garin Rogo)

Cook time: 50mn


1 chicken
2 spoonfuls of tomato paste
Salt to taste
Chicken bouillon cube or vegetable bouillon (optional)and the quantity depends on you
1 kg of cassava flour
½ liter of oil
4 fresh tomatoes
4 fresh peppers ( sweet bell peppers can be substituted)
Garlic (the quantity depends on you)
2 onions
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp coriander powder
1/4 ginger powder


1. Cut the chicken into small pieces and wash.

2. Boil the small pieces of chicken in ½ liter of water and add salt, pepper, 2 fresh chilli, garlic cloves, cumin,coriander and 1/2 diced onions.

3. After 30 minutes, remove the chicken and fry it in oil or air fryer.

4. Add the tomato paste and some chicken bouillon cubes into the water you boiled the chicken in and leave the pot on the fire.
5. Using a wooden spatula, gradually pour the cassava flour into the pot of broth while stirring vigorously to prevent the formation of lumps.

6. Cook on a very low heat.
7. With a little oil in a pot, add the chopped fresh tomato, the rest of the diced onion, the 2 chili, and some chicken bouillon cube; then cook for 10 to 15 minutes before adding the chicken pieces.

8. Check the seasoning and stop cooking.
9. Stir the cassava paste for a second time, close the pot and wait for 5mn.

10. Finally, serve the cassava paste with the chicken.

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